Volume Loss
- Facial volume loss is a natural part of the aging process that can lead to a sunken or hollow appearance in the face. It can also be caused by illness and certain medications.
- Volume loss is due to a variety of factors, including loss of fat and collagen in the skin, bone resorption, and changes in facial muscle tone. At The MW Clinic London, our experienced ophthalmologist and aesthetic doctor, Dr Meg Minasian, offers a range of treatments to address facial volume loss concerns.
- During your consultation, she will evaluate your skin and recommend the best options for your specific needs and goals.
- By combining the prior use of skin boosters, to optimise skin hydration and quality, as well as Sciton BBL phototherapy, the overlying skin can be significantly rejuvenated.
- At The MW Clinic London, we understand that facial volume loss can be a source of self-consciousness and discomfort for many people. That's why we take a personalised approach to each patient's treatment, tailoring our recommendations to their specific needs and concerns.
- To book a consultation with Dr Meg Minasian please contact us here.